Happy Harmony Yoga

Expanding your spirit, creating joy and peace.

2706 Minnesota Ave, Billings, MT

Gong Meditations

What is Kundalini Yoga and its Benefits

2024 Winter My Vacation Starts Dec 15

Sign up for text alerts to get a text when class resume


Kundalini Yoga $15.

Movement, Mantra, Mudra & Meditation

Saturday’s 9-10:30am

Doors open 15 minutes early.

We start right on time.

Must text to reserve your place, drop-ins welcome if you fit.

Clickable telephone Number



Taught by

Laura Morledge, RYT500 & E-RYT200

aka Preet HarDeva Kaur, KRI Level 2


To sign up for text alerts text: HappyHarmony to 74121 to subscribe,

or go to https://mobile-text-alerts.com/HappyHarmonyYoga


Clickable telephone – text Laura at –  406-794-9519